Mother = a word that describes and unites women all across the world. And what a beautiful depiction of a woman. However, even though we are all united under this blanket called motherhood we stand divided. Women stand in battle, ready to strike at even the slightest hint of attack on her parenting choices. I know, I'm there. Before I had Tristan, I did not even know such a war existed. Naive Britt thought that mothers respected and supported each other. Boy was I wrong.
Let's see. We first and foremost have the breast feeders (BF) and the formula feeders (FF.) Then there are the disposable diaper (DD) and cloth diapering (CD) moms. Attachment Parents (AP) and BabyWise (BW) supporters. Oh, can not forget the stay at home moms (SAHM) and working moms (WM.) Single moms and non-single moms. Moms of preemies babies, and those of full term. Cry it out (CIO) defenders and surrenders. Really the list goes on. So you have a baby, and next thing you know your trying to fit yourself into these boxes. Where do you belong? Eventually you begin to realize your life has become a complex mathematical equation.
(BF+1/2FF)+DD+(1/2AP-BW)+(1/2SAHM+1/2WM)-CIO=Brittnie and Tristan
Can you saw WOW? So then every time you meet another mom, your comparing equations. Mentally noting what you do that is similar and what you do that is different. Asking questions. Trying really hard not to judge and to not feel judged in return. Every baby is different, and every mom is different. No one's equation is going to look exactly the same. Mom's need to understand this, all mom's. Not just new mom's. What do we need to do to stand united in our motherhood? Maybe instead of concentrating on these long equations of how and why we do things, we need to concentrate on one simple equation.
Mother + ∞ <3 = Perfect
Good post! It's true! Unfortunately, most mothers believe there's is the only way. I was guilty of this very thing...until I realized not every child fits into a box...some fit into a round hole, some fit into an octagon,some fit into a triangle. So...the best thing is to do for your baby and your family the best you can! Love, Aunt Patty