Wednesday, October 26, 2011


So another term used for High Need Children is "Spirited." An amazing mommy friend of mine is studying in a family and parenting class and is currently writing a paper on spirited children. She sent me a quote one day that just meant the world to me. It literally made me cry because it rings so much truth in my life. If anyone else there is struggling with a "spirited" child, please print this quote out and hang it somewhere where you will see it EVERYDAY as I am going to do. Lord knows we need consistent reminders and extra support especially when we get so knee deep in that it is so hard to climb back out.

"Listen and share with other parents of spirited kids. Don't let parents of "easy" children make you feel inadequate or guilty, as if you have done something wrong to make your child what he/she is. They do not and cannot understand, nor should you expect them to. Do what you feel in your heart to be right to you and your child...and when you are not sure what what that is take it one step at a time and it will come to you. Enjoy your unconventional child in unconventional ways-free your selves to be yourselves and pooh on what anyone else thinks!" 


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