Monday, December 19, 2011

Raising Your Spirited Child: Turning Negatives Into Positives

Spirited children often get a bad reputation, and society is often plastering negative labels on them. I can't sit here and blame society though, because often I am doing it too! Words have such a strong impact on our children and  when we sit here and tell them how "demanding" "loud" and "whiny" they are they will create a negative self image for themselves. My book discusses spinning those negative labels into positive one. So here is goes!

Old Negative Label                          New Positive Label

Demanding                                       High Expectations
Unpredictable                                   Flexible
Loud                                                Enthusiastic
Stubborn                                          Persistent, assertive, and goal oriented
Wild                                                 Energetic
Manipulative                                     Charismatic
Anxious                                            Cautious
Explosive                                          Dramatic
Picky                                                Selective

How often have you used the words on the left to describe your child? How about on the right? I am very guilty of using all of the words on the left to describe Tristan, and in turn have spun this web of negativity about my child, when there is so much that is positive about him! I vow from now on to work on spinning my words so that they describe the very best in my child, so that one day he can see the very best in himself.

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